givestar Enterprise - How to set up and edit In Person and Online Events

This article will navigate you on how to set up events, catered for in person and/or virtual. *Please note this article is catered for charity internal admins and team members only.

1. First, click on events in the left-hand menu on the dashboard and click on ‘ + Create Event ‘ in the top right.

2.Event name must be created. This will then proceed you to have the following options: In Person Event or Virtual Event.

3. Thirdly, you have the decision to choose between gift aid tickets or standard tickets. Gift aid tickets for the event will be treated as voluntary donations, eligible for Gift Aid – this means they have the option of attending for free. However, standard tickets will not be eligible for gift aid therefore buying a ticket is mandatory. Please note Gift Aid can still be claimed with regular donations.

4. This further leads you to Event Details.

Image and description can be chosen and will be visible to all potential guests. Quantity of tickets can be entered with your choosing, along with the option of showing the number of tickets sold on the invitation page – child tickets can also be added. This dial will only show once you have sold at least 70% of tickets. Furthermore, fundraising target amount can be entered with the option of showing the live amount raised compared to your set target. 

Any offline donations – cheques, cash, etc – can be added to the total raised for the live page. 

Banner images also need to be included with a choosing of what height you would like it to be via desktop and mobile view. 

Event colour of titles and donation buttons can be changed however we advise to refrain from pastel as this will not stand out against the default white background. Date and address of the event must be filled, in accordance with when and where the event is.  

Any additional information will appear at the bottom of the events page – this can include links, GDPR information, contact details, etc.

If you would like a QR section on the ticket donation email that gets sent to all attendees, the toggle must be turned on (turns orange).

5. Press create.