This article will navigate you on how to send a receipt and gratitude email from your online giving page and events to donors and attendees. *Please note this article is catered for charity internal admins and team members only.
Proceed to your online giving page or event and click ‘customise Online Giving Page Emails’ / ‘customise Event Emails then ‘edit’.
In Online Giving, the first option enables you to send a gratitude email after the page has expired. Title and description can be edited and written to your discretion. Days after the page has expired for the email to be sent can also be chosen, ie. 2 days later when the page expires. Make sure to click the toggle, so it turns green, to turn this feature on!
The second option is the online page receipt email. Title, description and image of the email can be edited. A list of details is also included by default of name, date, organisation, donation amount, voluntary contribution and total paid. Reference and any support contact information is also included. Click update.
In events, the first option enables you to send an event reminder email before the event starts. A description and details of the event are also sent.
The second option is to turn on a post event email, thanking the attendees.