This article will navigate you on how to proceed to edit the page. *Please note this article is catered for charity internal admins and team members only.
Note that you can edit the online giving page straight after creation. If you would like to change it as required, proceed to ‘online giving’ in the left hand menu on your dashboard, and click the page you would like to edit. Proceed to the ‘update’ button.
1. First, you can add a page description. This informs your donors about the cause. This will be seen by anyone that visits your page. Text size, font, etc can all be changed.
2. Secondly, a fundraising target can be chosen. A target amount can be any amount of your choice. Toggles of showing the total amount raised in comparison to the target as well as showing the live donations list can be turned on or off – according to your preference.
3. Offline donations can further be added (optional) to the overall fundraising target. This would include cash, cheques, etc.
4. A mandatory image for your page must then be added. This can be customised in accordance with the height of the mobile and desktop image – small, medium, tall, extra tall.
5. Furthermore, an overall colour scheme can be changed to your preference. This can be done with different hex codes also. Kindly note the page will also be white along with the colour you choose therefore we advise not picking any pastel/very light colours.
6. Strava can be added to each giving page with a code. This is done to show others any past training and progress.
7. Any additional information can be added. This may include updated GDPR statements, external links, support team contact information, etc.
8. Finally, an optional end date can be added to the page. By default, the donors cannot donate on the page.