This article will navigate you on how to create templates within online giving pages and to assign groups to be able to access such templates. *Please note this article is catered for charity internal admins and team members only.
1. On the left-hand menu of the givestar enterprise dashboard, simply click online giving. Direct to the right where there will be a button ‘templates.
2. Upon clicking templates, click ‘create template’.
3. Set a name for the template and click create.
4. Mission, page tag, fundraising target, total offline donations, image, colour scheme, adding strava and additional information can be added.
*By proceeding to press the lock button, this enables other users to not be able to change this specific section.
To further assign groups to a template so they can access the following, they must complete the following:
1. Upon viewing the template in ‘templates’ in the Online Giving section, simply click on the 3 dots. Proceed to ‘manage groups’.
2. Groups will appear with subgroups. By switching the toggle so it turns green will allow the specified group to have access.